Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Many Bloops of the All-Star ballot

Now here is an issue I would be more than happy to address. First, I must say that the All-Star ballots SUCK! Some of the people on this thing might just as well not even exist! I just voted a couple of minutes ago on, and if you haven't already, you should, because you would most likely agree with me that some of these players should not be on there! Here are some of the "Bloops" that I think I should talk about:

  1. Beno Udrih, Sacramento Kings, one word: WHAT! Really, are you kidding me! Does anybody, outside of Sacramento even know who this guy is! I'm not saying that the guy is terrible, but come on people, think a little! He certainly doesn't have the stats, much less the game,to come even close to making the all-star team. (For those of you who are reading this from California, I apologize)

  2. Luke Ridnour, Milwaukee Bucks: NO. That's it. In the beginning of his career, Luke was OK, now that he isn't even as good as he was, he's on the ballot?! Iwill repeat, no.

  3. Raja Bell, Charlotte Bobcats: Not good enough, NEXT!

  4. Chris Wilcox, Oklahoma City Thunder: Now this is just getting silly. Chris Wilcox stinks and so does his team.

  5. Brad Miller, Sacramento Kings: Why do I feel like he hasn't even played a minute all season? Maybe it's because his stats are so small, you never see him!

  6. Stephon Marbury, New York Knicks: I thought we were talking about players, not donkeys! More on him later.

The list goes on and on. No offense, but whoever votes for any of these players, should go for a drug test, because then something id terribly wrong. The whole voting anyway is a popularity contest. Wherever you are, the players that are on your local teams, you will most likely vote for. Now let's be honest, if LeBron James had the worst season imaginable, he would probably be voted in because of the fact that he's LeBron. They did the same thing when Micheal Jordan came back for the '02-'03 season, because of the fact that he was "Air Jordan", people just couldn't see him not on the team. That's not right. I thought that the voting should be based on stats and what the player has done for the team, not because of their name. Oh, well.

1 comment:

  1. Andres Biedrens is a perfect example of a guy who should beon theall star team at least as a reserve. He won't make it! Al Jefferson has been a consistent 20/10 guy the last few seasons, he probably won't make the team iether. I agree that some players are there because they're popular. Most players who get in deserve it. This happens in every sport.

    I still want the fans to pick the players and not the coaches.
