Saturday, August 15, 2009

Magic Turns the Big 5-0

This week, legendary point Guard Earvin "Magic" turned fifty years old. The 13 year Laker point guard has certainly made his mark on America. Magic Johnson has opened America's eyes about HIV and AIDS after Magic was diagnosed with HIV. Ever since then he has made sure that people become aware of how you can receive HIV. And of course, Magic has also been known for legendary, and I mean legendary status as pehaps one of the greatest showtime point guards in history. He has also given us moments that last a life time, like the 42 point outburst he had in the playoffs, while playing center because his fellow superstar teammate, Kareem-Abdul Jabbar was sidelined with an ankle injury. It was mo
Ents like these that made people know that he would become one of the greatest players in NBA playoff history. Magic would be inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2002 and continues to show people what HIV is. Magic Johson has given this country 50 great years of life. Happy 50th Magic, and here's to 50 more!

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