Thursday, June 4, 2009

The End is near

Well one out of two ain't bad. The anticipated LeBron and Kobe series of destiny has unfortunately been put to an abrupt halt. LeBron and his streaky shooting Cavs had their flaws get the best of them, as the Orlando Magic in 6 games defeated basketball royalty. However, with LeBron out of the way, Kobe has a much better chance of winning the Finals... Not! The Lakers have a 1-3 record against the Magic over the past two sesons, and Pau Gasol has an average of 4 fouls a game against the magic. And to ice the cake, it is bwcomingba possibility that the beloved Jameer Nelson is coming back! The Mgic certainly have the momentum as well the resources to win the whole thing. But there's one huge factor that put the Lakers at an even playing field with Orlando: Kobe Bryant. Look Magic fans, Kobe is hungry, and when your hungry you get mean, and when Kobe is mean, he's practically unstoppable. The Lakers are not going to pass up this opprotunity to win a ring, at least not without a fight. Kobe a going to lead his Lakers to victory, but I do think that this series can go to seven games if the Magic can keep the shooters open, a gain a little more paint game, because Dwight can't do it by yourself. The Lakers have plenty of weapons, but so does the Orlando Magic. Will Kobe Bryant give his all to get the lakers their 15th NBA Championship, ans Phil Jackson's 10th?Or will the reigning defensive player of the year, Dwight Howard put yet another stamp in history against one of the greatest franchises to be in this position? It all starts with game 1tonight in Los Angeles 9:00 eastern time on ABC. Be There.

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