Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bruce Bowen Retires

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By Marc Stein
After helping the San Antonio Spurs win three championships and establishing himself as perhaps the premier perimeter defender of his generation, Bruce Bowen is retiring at 38.

Bowen told that he will formally announce his retirement at a Thursday afternoon news conference and said he would elaborate more on his decision then. The announcement was scheduled to take place at the San Antonio spa/salon he co-owns and operates with his wife, Yardley.

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Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE/Getty Images
Bruce Bowen, seen defending LeBron James in the 2007 NBA Finals, helped the Spurs win three titles.
Bowen's eight seasons with the Spurs -- during which he became a fixture on the NBA's all-defensive team as well as a target for criticism after numerous opponents complained about his tactics -- ended in June when San Antonio included him in the three-team trade with Milwaukee and Detroit that brought the offensive-minded Richard Jefferson to the Alamo City.

Bowen became an unrestricted free agent on Aug. 1 after the Bucks, foiled in their attempts throughout July to move him along in a subsequent deal, paid $2 million to buy out his $4 million contract for next season.

It was initially believed that Bowen would then sign in August with one of the Spurs' championship rivals. Orlando, Boston and Cleveland were all mentioned as possibilities. But he has apparently decided instead to pursue his off-court business and community interests as well as a career in broadcasting.

Veterans with playoff résumés like Bowen's are frequently invited to sign with contenders as a stretch-run addition for the playoffs, but it was not immediately known whether Bowen would be open to an in-season comeback. His next basketball-related appointment is Oct. 10, when Bowen joins Canadian Football League legend Damon Allen and former Major League Baseball pitcher Dan Boone in a class of six inductees into Cal State-Fullerton's Athletics Hall of Fame.

After going undrafted out of Fullerton in 1993, Bowen began his professional career in France as more of a scorer, before transforming himself into a defensive specialist to win over then-Miami Heat coach Pat Riley. He played sparingly for Miami, Boston and Philadelphia in his first four NBA seasons, before returning to the Heat in 2000-01 and breaking through to be voted by coaches to the league's all-defensive second team.

Bowen then signed with the Spurs in the summer of 2001 and wound up making the all-defensive first team five straight times between 2003-04 and 2007-08. Developing a reliable 3-point shot from the corners along the way, complementing his ability to guard players of all sizes and offsetting his struggles at the free throw line, Bowen was a fixture in the starting lineup as San Antonio won championships in 2003, 2005 and 2007.

But there were fines and controversies in San Antonio as well, as Bowen -- for all of his good work in the city as an off-the-court ambassador -- was accused by high-profile foes such as Vince Carter, Ray Allen and Steve Nash for stepping into the landing space of jump shooters or using his hands and feet too aggressively. After starting in every regular-season and playoff game in his first seven seasons with the Spurs -- and leading the league in 3-point percentage (.441) in 2002-03 -- Bowen averaged just 18.9 minutes per game in 2008-09. Injuries suffered at various points by Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili prompted San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich to slice into Bowen's playing time in the search for more offense.

Bowen averaged 6.1 points in 873 regular-season games, posted a career percentage of .393 from 3-point range and earned an unexpected invite at the age of 35 to try out for Team USA in the summer of 2006 from coach Mike Krzyzewski.

Marc Stein is a senior NBA writer for

Monday, August 31, 2009

Under New Management

Like the career of every athlete, there comes a time where all good things must come to an end. From this day forward, I will be merging blogs with Antonio Ruggiero and The Sports World 360. Starting soon, we will be talking about all things sports, from Brett Favre being a Viking, to The Rashard lewis scandal in the NBA. The new site is

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dream Team inducted into USOC Hall of Fame

CHICAGO (AP) -- Athletes being inducted into the U.S. Olympic Committee's Hall of Fame walked the carpet at the induction ceremony Wednesday in Chicago, part of a final push to drum up buzz about the city's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

The spotlight on the event dimmed slightly because one of the most high-profile backers of the city's bid, basketball great Michael Jordan, didn't attend, even though the 1992 gold-medal Olympic basketball Dream Team he played on was being inducted.

The former Chicago Bull has already lent his name and support to the bid, appearing in a public service campaign, but his absence did take some of the star power out of the event meant to put the sports spotlight on Chicago.

"Everyone wants to see Michael. Being inducted into anything with Michael is a great honor for us but it's Michael, I guess that mystique is part of what makes him so appealing to everybody," said David Robinson, one of Jordan's Olympic teammates.

Chicago is looking for all the attention it can get ahead of the International Olympic Committee's decision on which city will host the 2016 Games. Chicago is a finalist along with Tokyo, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. The IOC will meet in Copenhagen on Oct. 2 to decide.

About 3,600 people attended the USOC induction ceremony, which was also the final blowout fundraiser for local Olympic organizers and raised about $5 million. About two dozen athletes, coaches and an Olympic official were inducted including such big names as basketball greats Patrick Ewing and Scottie Pippen, track star Michael Johnson and Mike Krzyzewski, who was an assistant coach on the 1992 Dream Team.

But Jordan isn't the only big name from Chicago who local organizers are counting on to help land the games as the IOC decision nears.

President Barack Obama could be the one who helps seals the deal. The former Illinois senator has a home in Chicago just a few blocks from the park where the proposed Olympic Stadium would be built.

"Certainly it will help put the bid over the top if the president can make his presence known in Copenhagen but I think the city has covered all bases," USOC acting CEO Stephanie Streeter said.

Then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair was widely credited with helping London land the 2012 Games because he lobbied IOC members in person in the days before the decisive vote.

Streeter said U.S. Olympic officials haven't gotten word yet on whether Obama will be in Copenhagen and if he does come they likely won't know about it until the last minute.

Obama already has been a frequent and vocal supporter of the city's bid, recently appearing in a videotaped message shown to Olympic officials in Africa and forming a White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic and Youth Sport.

"Let's face it ... in many places around the world he's kind of a rock star," said Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Bart Conner, who's active in promoting Chicago's bid and attended Wednesday's event.

At this late hour in the city's bid, Conner said support from city residents also needs to be obvious.

"I think that's one of the most important things we can do is demonstrate to the IOC our city believes in the games, believes in what the Olympics stand for and will treat it right," Conner said.

But that hasn't always been so clear cut. Local Olympic officials have spent weeks holding public meetings around the city after some aldermen were critical of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley for telling the IOC he would sign a contract requiring the city to take full financial responsibility for the games.

Aldermen worried about the city's potential liability and complained they had been kept in the dark about Daley's plans.

But Daley has athletes such as Pippen behind him as he and others at the induction ceremony pledged to do what they could to keep building momentum for Chicago's bid.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

More Hispanics tying to be reached into joining the NBA

The NBA makes a fast break to reach U.S. Hispanic fans.
There are only six Hispanics in the league, and it’s looking for more.
Carmelo “Melo” Anthony, with the Denver Nuggets is one of them.

Three years ago, the NBA launched its own Hispanic Awareness Month, which occurs every March.
The league is also tapping more international Latin players. Since 2000, the number of Hispanic or Latino players from outside the USA has grown from five to seventeen.

According to the US Census, from 2000 to 2007, the Hispanic share of the US population grew from 12.5 percent to 15 percent. This amounts to approximately 10 million more people.

The Hispanic viewership of this year’s All-Star Game in February surged by 13 percent over last year. Up to 472,000 Hispanic households tuned in, according to the Nielson ratings.

Particularly pronounced was the one-year jump in male Hispanic viewers between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four.

Written by Rob Kuznia, staff writer for Hispanic Business magazine, May, 2009, pp. 28-30. To subscribe to this magazine see:

Rashard Lewis suspended for P.E.Ds

We have all seen athletes that have been accused, and ultimately found, to be guilty of taking performance enhancing drugs. From Barry Bonds, to Roger Clemens, and as much as it pains me to say it, even Alex Rodriguez. Buy that's baseball. I have never seen a player in the NBA be found to have used perforance enhancing drugs, until now. Orlando Magic forward Rashard Lewis has been suspended for ten games without pay after doctors found that he had an elevated testosterone level. In a quote from Lewis says this:
"First and foremost I take full responsibility for the situation and accept the corresponding penalty," Lewis said. "I apologize to Magic fans, my teammates and this organization for not doing the research that should come with good judgment."
Lewis will lose over $1million during the suspension, but he should think about how his team will fare. Let's face facts, he is one of the magic's best players and this suspension is really going to hit them hard.

Magic Turns the Big 5-0

This week, legendary point Guard Earvin "Magic" turned fifty years old. The 13 year Laker point guard has certainly made his mark on America. Magic Johnson has opened America's eyes about HIV and AIDS after Magic was diagnosed with HIV. Ever since then he has made sure that people become aware of how you can receive HIV. And of course, Magic has also been known for legendary, and I mean legendary status as pehaps one of the greatest showtime point guards in history. He has also given us moments that last a life time, like the 42 point outburst he had in the playoffs, while playing center because his fellow superstar teammate, Kareem-Abdul Jabbar was sidelined with an ankle injury. It was mo
Ents like these that made people know that he would become one of the greatest players in NBA playoff history. Magic would be inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2002 and continues to show people what HIV is. Magic Johson has given this country 50 great years of life. Happy 50th Magic, and here's to 50 more!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Where's Quentin: Richardson Traded four times in the off-season

On draft night in late June, the New York Traded Sharp-Shooter Quentin Richardson to the Memphis Grizzlies for Darko Milicic, a few weeks later, he is then traded to the Clippers, shortly following, he is traded to the Minnesotta Timberwolves, now as told by ESPN, Richardson has been traded again, the the city of Miami, where he is to join good friend Dwyane Wade. This is the fourth time that Richardson has been traded in just 3 months! Let's hope that now, Q- Rich can unpack his bags, and keep it unpacked, because as of now, who knows where he will be next!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Shaq going to Cleveland?

Analysts have reported that there have been trade rumors between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Phoenix Suns. This trade would send Ben Wallece and Sasha Pavlovic the the Suns for Shaquille O'neal. The Cavs would most likely be doing this trade because Shaq is one of the few people that can keep Dwight Howard in check. After their departure from the playoffs by the hands of the magic, Cleveland has been looking for blood. They need Shaq to help establish defense in the paint, and Shaq can definately do that, despite his age. There will be more on this issue as this discussion continues.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Video Games reveal Finals Superstars

Just Released over the last or so, NBA Live and NBA 2K has announced their cover athletes. NBA Live has chosen Slam dunk champion, reigning defensive player of the year award, and current eastern conference champion Dwight Howard, performing his "Superman" Dunk on the cover. 2K Sports has chosen the one who (unfortunately) defeated him, 4-Time NBA champion, just winning his 4th championship, Kobe Bryant showimg why he is called "The Black Mamba" showing the crowd his #24. Both games are expected to be released in early to mid-September.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lakers Capture 15th title

After much turbulation without Shaq to lead them, Kobe Bryant has finally won himself a ring without him. The Magic clearly did not have it in game 5, and the Lakers took advantage. The Lakers looked unstoppable as they got their 15th, Phil Jackson's 10th, and Kobe's 4th. Just like back in the 80's, a year after the Celtics win a ring, the Lakers are sure to follow, and Kobe has had himself a season, getting an All-Star MVP, Western Conference title, a Gold Medal in the Beijing Olympics, and an NBA championship in the same year.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The End is near

Well one out of two ain't bad. The anticipated LeBron and Kobe series of destiny has unfortunately been put to an abrupt halt. LeBron and his streaky shooting Cavs had their flaws get the best of them, as the Orlando Magic in 6 games defeated basketball royalty. However, with LeBron out of the way, Kobe has a much better chance of winning the Finals... Not! The Lakers have a 1-3 record against the Magic over the past two sesons, and Pau Gasol has an average of 4 fouls a game against the magic. And to ice the cake, it is bwcomingba possibility that the beloved Jameer Nelson is coming back! The Mgic certainly have the momentum as well the resources to win the whole thing. But there's one huge factor that put the Lakers at an even playing field with Orlando: Kobe Bryant. Look Magic fans, Kobe is hungry, and when your hungry you get mean, and when Kobe is mean, he's practically unstoppable. The Lakers are not going to pass up this opprotunity to win a ring, at least not without a fight. Kobe a going to lead his Lakers to victory, but I do think that this series can go to seven games if the Magic can keep the shooters open, a gain a little more paint game, because Dwight can't do it by yourself. The Lakers have plenty of weapons, but so does the Orlando Magic. Will Kobe Bryant give his all to get the lakers their 15th NBA Championship, ans Phil Jackson's 10th?Or will the reigning defensive player of the year, Dwight Howard put yet another stamp in history against one of the greatest franchises to be in this position? It all starts with game 1tonight in Los Angeles 9:00 eastern time on ABC. Be There.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kobe Bryant: Player Profile

Other than LeBron James, there is another superstar who also has been known to carry on Michael Jordan's legacy. Kobe Bryant. What was the Charlotte Hornets mistake in the draft, became the lakers savior, as he too shares a resumé that shows that he is the only one that can stop the King:
•3-time NBA Champion 2000-02
•5 Finals appearences
•1 MVP
•2-time scoring champion
•11-time All-Star 11 consecutive appearences
•3-time All-Star MVP
•11-time All NBA selection
•9-time All-Defensive selection
•NBA All-Rookie Selection
•NBA Slam Dunk Champion 1997
•Second greatest scoring night in NBA history (81)
•Record for most 3-pointers on a game (12)
•Record for most 3-pointers in a half (8)
•Youngest to reach 15,000, 18,000, 20,000, and 23,000 points
•Youngest to be named on All-Rookie team
•Youngest to be named on All-Defensive team
•Youngest Player to start a game
•Youngest Player to start in an All-Star game
•Most points scored at Madison Square Garden (61)
•5 60+ point games
•24 50+ point games in a career
•96 40+ point games in a career
•27 40+ point games in a season
•4 consecutive 50+ point games
•9 consecutive 40+ point games
•1 gold medal in 2008 olympics
•1 FiBA tournament championship
Kobe was a young phenom when he first came into the league, beating records that even Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain could not do, until Lebron wins a ring, Kobe will remain at the top of eveyone's list.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lebron James: Player Profile

Lebron James is being considered the greatest player since Micheal Jordan. The GREATEST. The Guy has only been in the league for 6 years and they are already calling him the "King". I mean what has this kid done anyway?
•Number 1 pick in the 2003 NBA Draft
•2003 Rookie of the year
•5-Time All-Star
•2-Time All-Star MVP
•1 Finals appearence
•1 MVP Award
•1 Scoring Title
•1 Eastern Conference Championship
•1 Olympic Gold Medal
•3- time NBA First team
•1-time All NBA Defensive team
•FIBA Championship 2007
•161 career 30+ point games
•17 career 30+ point playoff games
•32 career 40+ point games in a season
•4 career 40+ point playoff games
•8 career 50+ point games in a season
•24 career triple doubles
•3 career playoff triple doubles
•One of three players in nba history with average of 20 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists in a rookie season
•One of five with 25 points, 7rebounds, and 7 assists in a season
•One of four with 31 points, 7rebounds, and 6 assists in a season
•One of only two with 27 points, 6 rebounds, and 6 assists for five consecutive seasons
•One of two with 2000 points, 500 rebounds, and 500 assists in a season at least 4 times
•One of three to average 30 points, 10 rebounds, and 7 assists in a postseason series
•One of three to have a triple double In a playoff debut
•Youngest player to win an MVP
•Youngest player to win Rookie of the year
•Youngest player to record a triple double
•Youngest player to score 30 points in a game
•Youngest player to score 40 points in a game
•Youngest player to score 50 points in a game
•Youngest player to 2000 points in a season
•Youngest to average 30 points a game in a season
•Youngest to be awarded all NBA honors
•Youngest to all NBA first team
•Youngest to win all star MVP
•Youngest to reach 1,000-12,000 points
•Holds or Shares 49 Cavaliers franchise records
Kobe was said to be the next Michael Jordan, but I think that there is a new breed of superstar and his name is Lebron James!
Numbers don't lie, and that's a lot of stats!
King James, enough said.

NBA Award winners

Here are the winners of the NBA Player Achievement Awards:
Rookie of the Year: Derrick Rose: Chicago Bulls
Sixth Man: Jason Terry: Dallas Mavericks
Most Improved: Danny Granger: Indiana Pacers
Coach of the Year: Mike Brown: Cleveland Cavaliers
Most Valuable Player: Lebron James: Cleveland Cavaliers

Playoff Race Heats Up

Everyone has been talking about lebron's Cleveland Cavaliers and Kobe's Los Angeles Lakers making it to the NBA Finals to make it one for the ages, and after the performance that the cavs put on in the first two rounds, they say that the Cavs are a heavy favorite. But what about the opposition? For one, Carmelo Anthony and his Denver Nuggets, are giving the lakers a run for their money, making this a nail biter in the west coast, and Dwight Howard and the Orlando Magic, are no slouch either, handing the Cavs their first two losses of the series, leading it 2-1. Although the Nuggets are down, don't count them out, there's always a chance when they play at home, and of course the Cavs need to win game 4, lebron is going to show why he is the MVP and put on a great performence to send it back to the Q knotted at 2 games a piece. All in all, the conference is going to decide who is the worthiest opponents and both at them could easily go to games 7's. Which Olympic Gold Medalist, now one on each team, Lebron, Kobe, Dwight, and Carmelo, will win the NBA Championship ring? Watch the games and see for yourself! Game 4 Lakers @ Nuggets 5/25/09 9:00 PM Eastern time ESPN Game 4 Cavaliers @ Magic 5/26/09 8:00 PM Eastern time ESPN

Saturday, February 7, 2009

LeBron's Historic night changed
LeBron unfortunately has had his historic triple-double night in msg erased as the referees reviewed his tenth rebound and concluded that Ben Wallace got the rebound instead of James, and awarded him with 9 rebounds instead of 10. Here is the link to the video (Top)

Friday, February 6, 2009

3-Point Contest Participants

Mike Bibby-Atlanta Hawks-.409 3point %
Daequan Cook- Miami Heat- .410 3point %
Danny Granger- Indiana Pacers- .401 3point %
Jason Kapono- Toronto Raptors- .419 3point
Rashard Lewis- Orlando Magic- .419 3point %
Roger Mason- San Antonio Spurs- .450 3point %

LeBron Answers Right Back

After watching Kobe put a an MSG record 61 points, another superstar was watching in the distance. You may have heard of him. 6'8, 250lbs, out of St.Vincent St.Mary high school? Yeah, LeBron James. He saw what Kobe did and decided that he didn't want to miss out on all the fun. So, he plotted a game of his own, except this one would be much more all-around. The man played in MSG 2 days later, and posted a 52 point, 10 rebound, and 11 assist night. IS THERE ANYTHING THAT THIS MAN CANNOT DO????!!!!! He immediately saw what Kobe was doing, and he did not, and would not pass up an opportunity to have an historic game of his own. He and Kobe are the only two people that are competition for the other one. The only person that can stop Kobe is LeBron, and vice-versa. These are moments where you just have to stand back and say, "I LOVE THIS GAME!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kobe's 61: An MSG Record

People have wondered if Kobe can lead his team to another championship. Granted, he's won 3. But he had the help of Shaq to assist him in his 3-peat history from 2000-02. Now with Shaq gone, people have thought that Kobe has lost his dominance in terms of leading his team back to the promise land........until last night. Kobe Bryant has just broken a Madison Square Garden Record for most points scored by a player in an individual outing wit 61. He single-handedly took a game against the knicks and made it his, and only his. The Lakers would go on to win the contest 126-117 as he and Pau Gasol combined for a whopping 92 points, three quarters of the total amount scored by LA. Although Bynum is hurt again for the remainder of the season, Kobe has certainly stepped up his game and dominated to the surprise of no one. MVP!MVP!MVP!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rookie Sophomore Challenge Rosters

F- Micheal Beasley: Miami Heat
F- Rudy Fernandez: Portland Trailblazers
G- Eric Gordon: Marc Gasol
G- O.J. Mayo: Memphis Grizzlies
G- Derrick Rose: Chicago Bulls
G- Russel Westbrook: Oklahoma City Thunder
C- Marc Gasol: Memphis Grizzlies
C- Brook Lopez: New Jersey Nets
C- Greg Oden: Portland Trailblazers

Head Coach: TBD
Assisstant Coach: Dwyane Wade

F- Wilson Chandler: New York Knicks
F- Kevin Durant: Oklahoma City Thunder
F-Jeff Green: Oklahoma City Thunder
F- Al Thornton: Los Angeles Clippers
F- Thaddeus Young: Philadelphia 76ers
C- Al Horford: Atlanta Hawks
C- Luis Scola: Houston Rockets
G- Rodney Stuckey: Detroit Pistons
G- Aaron Brooks: Houston Rockets

Head Coach: TBD
Assisstant Coach: Dwight Howard

Playstation Skills Challenge

The Players have been announced for the Playstation Skills challenge. Here they are:

G- Devin harris: New Jersey Nets

G- Tony Paker: San Antonio Spurs

G- Derrick Rose: Chicago Bulls

G- Jameer Nelson: Orlando Magic

All-Star Weekend Lineups

Here are the starting Lineups for the 2009 All-Star game
Eastern Conference:
C- Dwight Howard: Orlando magic
F- Kevin Garnett: Boston Celtics
F- LeBron James: Cleveland cavaliers
G- Dwyane Wade: Miami Heat
G- Allen Iverson: Detroit Pistons

F- Chris Bosh: Toronto Raptors
F- Danny Granger: Indiana Pacers
F- Paul Pierce: Boston Pierce
F- Rashard Lewis: Orlando Magic
G- Joe Johnson: Atlanta Hawk
G- Jameer Nelson: Orlando Magic
G- Devin Harris: New Jersey Nets

Coach: Mike Brown (Cavaliers)

Western Conference:
C- Yao Ming: Houston Rockets
F- Amare Stoudemire: Phoenix Suns
F- Tim Duncan: San Antonio Spurs
G- Kobe Bryant: Los Angeles Lakers
G- Chris Paul: New Orleans Hornets

C- Shaquille O'Neal: Phoenix Suns
F- Pau Gasol: Los Angeles Lakers
F- Dirk Nowitzki: Dallas Mavericks
F- David West: New Orleans Hornets
G- Chauncey Billups: Denver Nuggets
G- Brandon Roy: Portland Trailblazers
G- Tony Parker: San Antonio Spurs

Coach: Phil Jackson (Lakers)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Video highlights

Check out highlights to every game everyday right here on my blog!!

Orlando Magic: Their own 3-Point contest

I couldn't believe this when I heard it. The Orlando Magic made an NBA record 23 three pointers in a game against the Sacramento Kings yesterday. 23 3's! They can host their own 3 point contest! This just goes to show you how the magic have quickly become one of the NBA's elite. They are certainly, CERTAINLY, one of the best teams in the East. Hands down. This just thoroughly enhances their talent. It's a good thing that the Magic made it close, winning 139-107, at least they didn't want to embarrass the Kings. That would have been wrong. Congrats to the magic on their win, and Congratulations to Dwight Howard, for being the current leader in All-Star votes this year. What a season for Orlando!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Boston Celtics: What's happening?!

Stop the presses! Stop everything you're doing! The Celtics are losing, and they're losing badly! i mean, 1 or 2 games is understandable, but 6 of their last 8? This is horrible! The true problem is that KG and Ray Allen are not making their shots and playing like the champions that they are, they are giving more of a load to Paul Pierce, which, obviously, he just can't handle. The big three was sent here for a reason, and that was so that the load given to "The Truth", would not be as substantial. Now that the weight has been given back to him, the Celtics are back on the losing path. Rondo recently, said that this team is not in a slump. Yeah, okay. You're not in a slump and yet you lost to the Knicks, THE KNICKS, by 12 points and then then you lose to the Bobcats?! This team is not just losing, but to bad teams, SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE! Now, the Cavs, now 17-0 at home, are deservedly so the best team in the NBA right now, because of all this. Let's see if you're new buddy Marbury will bring you out of this slump Boston, because this is a disaster!